Would you like to fix or move the dentures
Views:1474 Author: Ruiyuan IndustrialPublish Time: 2020-01-09
Both have advantages and disadvantages:
First, let's talk about fixed dentures: advantages-good retention effect, good support effect, good stabilization effect, high chewing efficiency, patients feel comfortable, no obvious foreign body sensation, easy to adapt, do not affect pronunciation, beautiful, eyes close to natural teeth, no need to pick Wear, easy to use.
Disadvantages-narrow range of adaptation, relatively large amount of tooth tissue that is cut, difficult to adjust and repair, difficult to repair after cementing, and difficult to remove for cleaning.
Then there are movable dentures: advantages-a wide range of applications, less tooth tissue removal, self-extraction, easy scrubbing and cleaning to maintain good oral hygiene, simple production methods, low cost, easy repair and addition The supporting organization can get proper rest, and Kito can fill the defect area to restore proper shape. Disadvantages – The denture is large and has many parts. Patients often feel foreign bodies when they are first worn, sometimes affecting pronunciation and causing nausea. Their stability and chewing function are not as good as fixed dentures. If the design of the denture is not reasonable, the quality is poor or the patient is not easy Maintaining oral hygiene and other conditions may also bring adverse consequences such as abutment injury, mucosal ulcers, plaque formation and calculus accumulation, dental caries and periodontitis, accelerated alveolar ridge absorption, and temporomandibular joint disease.
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